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Why Learning Football Skills Is Good For
Your Children
Published on : 05-02-19

Leading Your Children To A Better Tomorrow By Starting A Healthy Sport
Are your children getting addicted to computer games and disliking outdoor activities, having problems in concentrating and communicating with others? Therefore, you have tried to encourage or involve him or her in all kinds of enrichment classes or sports but things still do not work out as what you have planned? Your children are either having no interest in the sport and enrichment class that you have chosen for them or there is no improvement in your children's behaviour after attending the course for a period of time. So are there any alternatives to resolve this issue? The answer is yes, you can enroll your children in D Skills Academy and start learning football skills with us. At D Skills, We have high track records of 90% success rate in generating children's interest into our program after attending our trial class and 80% success rate of behavior improvement after attending our course for at least 3 months.

How We Capture Their Interest
In D Skills, we are teaching the children 3 types of football skills which are football dribbling techniques, football freestyle and panna skills. Football freestyle is a new, exciting, spectacular and fast growing sport in the world. It is a cool and stylish sport that can capture the children's attention at the first glance even they never play football before. For those who play football regularly, they are going to love our program as they will learn the cool football dribbling techniques and panna skills that can enhance their football gameplay skills.

Improvements In Students' Behavior
There are three major behaviour improvements based on our students who join us more than three months, which are as followings:
1. Become more outgoing and involve more in sport related activities
2. Enhanced concentration skills
3. Become more confident

We Talk, Understand, Consult And Inspire The Students
We believe in empowering individuals by holistic approach of learning environment and social immersion. We will have short and deep conversation with the students before, after the class or during the class break and give some useful insights regarding to the problems that they face during the skills training or in life. During the class, we will also have questionaire and answer session with the students as we want to develop their ability to think and reasoning. “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” ― Margaret Mead. We oftenly highlight the children's problems to their parents and take appropriate action to rectify it.

Edutainment Programs
Most of the kids and youth have poor concentration skills which are affecting their life routines, study and work. Football freestyle is a sport which requires high amount of concentration while one is practising it. For instance, balancing the ball on the head or neck. Of course, our coaches will guide the students through the learning process with care and patience.
Besides that, the students can gain lots of recognition from their social network by practising football freestyle as it is a performance-related sport. We partner with our regions' best event companies to send our top students for performances and tv commerials. For those who play football regularly, they will no longer afraid of their opponent defenders as they have tons of footwork skills to dribble past them. We also organise lots of football skills related competition for the students to join as we believe individuals can gain self-confidence through exposures.

Progressive Training System
We believe the students can learn more effectively by sighting, listening and practicing at the same time. As a result, we have dissected all the skills in our program into standardized and memorable steps. Hence, the steps will be programmed into their mind when they are watching our coaches demonstrating the tricks.
To keep track of the learning curve of students, the Senior students are compulsory to take an assessment before they are able to advance to the next level. Besides that,we also believe in something we call " Play not Push". It means teaching the skills in a fun, pressure free enviornment. Hence, we have designed lots of side games related to the football skills for the students. Throughout the games, the students will enjoy and remember the steps of the skills better as well as the application of the skills in the actual football game-play scenario.

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